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Mack p

Mack p's collections


Remembering the Civil Rights Movement

<p>This is a collection of monuments, memorials, paintings, and other ways to remember the Civil Rights Movement. Go through the collection and selection your 3 favorite (and delete the rest). Now that you have your 3, create 6 hotspots between them explaining how they work to help tell the story of the Civil Rights Movement.</p>
Mack p

MLK and Malcolm X

<p>Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X are very prominent African American individuals throughout history. </p>
Mack p

Joseph McCarthy and J. Edgar Hoover

<p>Joseph is the senator for <strong>Wisconsin </strong>who claimed there were communists working in the state department. Made numerous accusations and many believed him. J. Edgar Hoover is the head of the FBI from 1935 to 1972.</p>
Mack p