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Leslie Reinhart

Leslie Reinhart's collections


Practicing Transcendentalism by Drawing with Words

<p>This activity will be completed at the end of a transcendentalism unit in American literature.  Students will be tasked with studying a landscape, drawing the landscape, and filling it in with words.  After the initial activity students will be given a template where they can choose how to show their transcendentalist pastiche through words, colors, quotations, etc.</p> <p>#NPGteach<br /></p>
Leslie Reinhart

Modernizing Revolutionary Literature with the Founding Fathers

<p>This lesson would be completed at the end of our revolutionary literature unit.  This will ask the students to physically pose as the founding fathers, view the descendants' commercial, study the descendants' portrait, view an interview about the commercial, and then finally draft a letter to the founding fathers updating them on their work.</p><p>#NPGteach<br /></p>
Leslie Reinhart

Interpreting Early American Portraiture through Pocahontas

<p>This lesson is to be completed in the final days of our Early American literature unit.  Students have been tasked with creating an "Early High School Journal" to mimic the different styles of readings we have completed.  The final task of the journal will be to create an author's portrait page based on the tone and characters they have adopted for their project.  <br /></p> <p>#NPGteach</p>
Leslie Reinhart

Analyzing Character and Motivation in the Crucible

<p>This activity will be completed at the end of <em>The Crucible</em> before watching the documentary <em>Central Park Five</em> about a modern day witch hunt.  By completing the puzzle activity with an image from the Salem Witch Trials, the McCarthy Hearings, and the Central Park Five Court Case, students will find the common characters and motivations for which to focus in on the film.  Their culminating task will be to jump into the portrait and write a letter home to their parents, sibling, or best friend.  They will then be tasked with doing the same task each of the three days of the documentary.</p><p>#NPGteach<br /></p>
Leslie Reinhart