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Scott Tuffiash

High School (16 to 18 years old)
Teacher/Educator, Curriculum Developer, Parent, Topic Enthusiast
Language Arts And English, Other : Journalism

Scott Tuffiash's collections


How have Broadsides Used Language To Impact American Society?

<p>Working with two others, select three broadsides from this collection and closely read each text. Once you have selected your broadsides, create your own gallery and add your analysis on the tabs. At least two broadsides should be heavily text-dependent. Identify the diction, syntax and pathos within the language, as well as the subject, occasion, audience, purpose and speaker. Discuss how the language supports the rhetoric and how the broadside may have impacted American society. Use the info tab to help you research the historical context to share with the class. You will present your analysis as a group starting Wednesday, November 30th through the rest of the week. </p>
Scott Tuffiash

Match the document to the setting of your latest IR novel

<p>Choose just one of the documents and explain the following about your selection:</p><p> What item or items in the image best matched a symbol, conflict, plot point, setting, or other literary element in your novel?<br /></p><p> Did the document directly match the setting in your novel in some way (Time (day/night/season, Era, Place - city/state/country, Location - buildings, parks, specific area within the place, Occupation)? If so, identify and explain<br /><br /></p><p> Why did the other documents not fit as well?<br /></p><p>Worth 15 points for completing answers to each question - use the Info tab to find the titles, use the titles when writing a response to these questions through a Google Doc</p>
Scott Tuffiash

Sort the image to best match the content of the chapter - Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Chapters 28 through 32

<p>After viewing the selection and the more info tab, sort the selections and be prepared to explain why you think it best literally or figuratively represents the plot, setting, character development, and conflicts within chapter 28, 29, 30, 31, or 32. You must have at least one selection in each chapter and be prepared to annotate on the smartboard to explain at least two specific details in the artwork/photo/item.</p>
Scott Tuffiash