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Jessica Rosenberry

Jessica Rosenberry's collections


Women Paving the Way to Mars

<p>"One small step for man." "Boldly go where no man has gone before." These iconic gender-specific phrases don't tell the entire story. Women have been and continue to be an important part of the aerospace industry, from the first woman in space, Valentina Tereshkova, to human computer Katherine Johnson who helped send humans to the Moon, to Christina Koch, one of NASA's newest astronauts. In this episode of STEM in 30, we will explore the women who are helping pave the way to Mars. We will be joined by "Astronaut Abby," a 20-year-old college student who has set her sights on becoming an astronaut and the first person to step on the planet Mars. She's also the founder of the Mars Generation, a nonprofit dedicated to exciting young people about STEM education and space.</p><p><strong>April 12, 2017</strong></p>
Jessica Rosenberry

Women in Baseball and the Post Office

<p>This collection explores this essential question: How was the changing status of women in American society during the late 19th and early 20th century represented in professional baseball and the United States Postal Service. In small groups, students will discuss this underlying question through the variety of resources in this collection, examining the historical access women have had to these institutions, their divergent experiences compared to their male counterparts, and how women have historically been depicted on USPS stamps. Some supporting questions to scaffold inquiry can be found in the “Notes to Other Users” section.</p>
Jessica Rosenberry

Women and sports in history

<p><strong>How did women have an impact on sports culture,the way we think about sports, and leave their place in history?</strong></p>
Jessica Rosenberry