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Michelle Streed

Coffee drinker, aspiring yogi, and perpetually curious, Michelle Streed teaches 9th, 11th, and 12th grade English in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  Her professional interests include best practices for writing instruction, literature which voices the unheard, helping kids to “make thinking visible”, and access and equity in education.

Michelle Streed's collections


Memoir Story Arc: The 3000 Word Essay

<p>Students will examine a series of images by one photographer. They will pull themes from those photos that they see in common and imagine the answer to the question: what message does this collection communicate? Then, they will create a series of images to communicate a message about their life. </p> <p>***used as a scaffold for personal writing, including a draft of a college essay</p><p>#SAAMteach</p>
Michelle Streed

Projecting a Message through Portraits

<p>Examine your portrait with your partner.  Answer the three questions in your writer's notebook, being sure to write the portrait's name and artist in your notebook for reference!  What OBSERVATIONS have you made?  What INFERENCES have you made?  </p><p>Be prepared to courageously share your findings with your classmates!</p> <p>#SAAMteach</p>
Michelle Streed