Daba Kamara shaping clay pots, Kamanda Village, Sierra Leone
1 Slide (col.)
This photograph was taken by Dr. Simon Ottenberg while conducting field research in northern Sierra Leone within Bafodea Town, the capital of Wara Wara Bafodea Chiefdom, while on an Art Historical and Anthropological Field Research from October of 1978 through July of 1980.
Original title reads, "Kamanda (Mandia) Village in the Old Kamuke Chiefdom of Bafodea. Daba Kamara making pots. Pot making used to be very common in Bafodea and Kamuke chiefdoms, as sherds at old village sites attest, but it is now almost extinct. This was the only time in two years I ever encountered it. Adding the sides to the base." [Ottenberg field research notes, Limba Slides and Photographs, October 1978-July 1980].
Simon Ottenberg photographs of Limba and Afikpo PeoplesSimon Ottenberg photographs of Limba and Afikpo Peoples / Series 1: Limba Peoples, Sierra Leone and Guinea / 1.2: Field Research, Year Two / Kamanda Village, Sierra LeoneArtistsPottery
Collection Rights : Permission to reproduce images from the Eliot Elisofon Photographic Archives must be obtained in advance. The collection is subject to all copyright laws.Photographs by Pa Huff, Hamaidu Mansaray, and Labelle Prussin are restricted. In these cases, the photographer's permission is required for access and publication of images.{ "_type": "edan", "place": [ "Sierra Leone" ], "source": "Eliot Elisofon Photographic Archives, National Museum of African Art", "authors": [], "created": "1646678190", "culture": [ "Limba (African people)" ], "keywords": [ "Simon Ottenberg photographs of Limba and Afikpo Peoples", "Simon Ottenberg photographs of Limba and Afikpo Peoples / Series 1: Limba Peoples, Sierra Leone and Guinea / 1.2: Field Research, Year Two / Kamanda Village, Sierra Leone", "Artists", "Pottery" ], "metadata": "<div><h2>SOURCE</h2><p><a href=\"/search/?f[_types][]=resource&providers[]=National Museum of African Art\">National Museum of African Art</a></p></div><div class=\"mb-3\"><h2> OBJECT TYPE</h2><div class=\"list-mdt-item clearfix\"><span class=\"mdt-item\"><a href=\"/search/?f[][types]=resource&object_type[]=archival+materials\">Archival materials</a></span><span class=\"mdt-item\"><a href=\"/search/?f[][types]=resource&object_type[]=slides\">Slides</a></span><span class=\"mdt-item\"><a href=\"/search/?f[][types]=resource&object_type[]=color+slides\">Color slides</a></span></div></div><div></div><div class=\"mb-3\"><h2>EXTENT</h2><p class=\"mdt-item d-block mb-0\">1 Slide (col.)</p></div><div><h2>SCOPE AND CONTENTS</h2><p class=\"mdt-desc\">This photograph was taken by Dr. Simon Ottenberg while conducting field research in northern Sierra Leone within Bafodea Town, the capital of Wara Wara Bafodea Chiefdom, while on an Art Historical and Anthropological Field Research from October of 1978 through July of 1980.</p><p class=\"mdt-desc\">Original title reads, \"Kamanda (Mandia) Village in the Old Kamuke Chiefdom of Bafodea. Daba Kamara making pots. Pot making used to be very common in Bafodea and Kamuke chiefdoms, as sherds at old village sites attest, but it is now almost extinct. This was the only time in two years I ever encountered it. Adding the sides to the base.\" [Ottenberg field research notes, Limba Slides and Photographs, October 1978-July 1980].</p></div><div class=\"mb-3\"><h2> NAMES</h2><div class=\"list-mdt-item clearfix\"><span class=\"mdt-item\"><a href=\"/search/?f[][types]=resource&names[]=ottenberg%2c+simon\">Ottenberg, Simon</a></span><span class=\"mdt-item\"><a href=\"/search/?f[][types]=resource&names[]=ottenberg%2c+simon\">Ottenberg, Simon</a></span></div><div><span class=\"mdt-item mdt-subitem\"><span class=\"mb-0\"><strong>Photographer : </strong>Ottenberg, Simon</span></span></div><div><span class=\"mdt-item mdt-subitem\"><span class=\"mb-0\"><strong>Collection Photographer : </strong>Ottenberg, Simon</span></span></div></div><div><h2>Topics</h2><p class=\"list-mdt-item clearfix\"><span class=\"mdt-item comma-delimited\"><a href=\"/search/?f[][types]=resource&keywords[]=simon+ottenberg+photographs+of+limba+and+afikpo+peoples\">Simon Ottenberg photographs of Limba and Afikpo Peoples</a></span><span class=\"mdt-item comma-delimited\"><a href=\"/search/?f[][types]=resource&keywords[]=simon+ottenberg+photographs+of+limba+and+afikpo+peoples+%2f+series+1%3a+limba+peoples%2c+sierra+leone+and+guinea+%2f+1.2%3a+field+research%2c+year+two+%2f+kamanda+village%2c+sierra+leone\">Simon Ottenberg photographs of Limba and Afikpo Peoples / Series 1: Limba Peoples, Sierra Leone and Guinea / 1.2: Field Research, Year Two / Kamanda Village, Sierra Leone</a></span><span class=\"mdt-item comma-delimited\"><a href=\"/search/?f[][types]=resource&keywords[]=artists\">Artists</a></span><span class=\"mdt-item comma-delimited\"><a href=\"/search/?f[][types]=resource&keywords[]=pottery\">Pottery</a></span></p></div><p><h2>PLACES</h2><div class=\"list-mdt-item clearfix\"></div><div><span class=\"mdt-item mdt-subitem d-block\"><span class=\"mb-0\"><strong>Place : </strong>Africa</span></span><span class=\"mdt-item mdt-subitem d-block\"><span class=\"mb-0\"><strong>Place : </strong>Sierra Leone</span></span></div></p><p><h2>CULTURE</h2><div class=\"list-mdt-item clearfix\"></div><div><span class=\"mdt-item mdt-subitem d-block\"><span class=\"mb-0\"><strong>Culture : </strong>Limba (African people)</span></span></div></p><p><h2>References</h2><div class=\"list-mdt-item clearfix\"><span class=\"mdt-item\"><a href=\"https://sova.si.edu/record/EEPA.2005-001\" target=\"_blank\">Simon Ottenberg photographs of Limba and Afikpo Peoples</a></span><span class=\"mdt-item\"><a href=\"https://sova.si.edu/details/EEPA.2005-001#ref509\" target=\"_blank\">Limba Peoples, Sierra Leone and Guinea</a></span><span class=\"mdt-item\"><a href=\"https://sova.si.edu/details/EEPA.2005-001#ref613\" target=\"_blank\">Field Research, Year Two</a></span><span class=\"mdt-item\"><a href=\"https://sova.si.edu/details/EEPA.2005-001#ref5135\" target=\"_blank\">Kamanda Village, Sierra Leone</a></span><span class=\"mdt-item\"><a href=\"https://sova.si.edu/details/EEPA.2005-001#ref4069\" target=\"_blank\">Daba Kamara shaping clay pots, Kamanda Village, Sierra Leone</a></span></div></p><p><h2>LANGUAGES</h2><div class=\"list-mdt-item clearfix\"><span class=\"mdt-item\"><a href=\"/search/?f[][types]=resource&st=eng\">eng</a></span></div></p><h2>COPYRIGHT</h2><span class=\"mdt-item mdt-subitem d-block\"><strong>Collection Rights : </strong><span class=\"d-inline\">Permission to reproduce images from the Eliot Elisofon Photographic Archives must be obtained in advance. The collection is subject to all copyright laws.Photographs by Pa Huff, Hamaidu Mansaray, and Labelle Prussin are restricted. In these cases, the photographer's permission is required for access and publication of images. </span></span><div><span class=\"mdt-item mdt-subitem d-block\"><span class=\"mb-0\"><strong>Collection Restrictions : </strong><span class=\"d-inline\">Use of original records requires an appointment. Contact Archives staff for more details. </span></span></span></div><hr><div class=\"add-info\"><div class=\"add-heading mb-2\"><strong>Additional Resource Information</strong></div><div><span class=\"d-block\"><strong class=\"add-info-item\">Record Link : </strong><span><a href=\"https://sova.si.edu/details/EEPA.2005-001#ref4069\">https://sova.si.edu/details/EEPA.2005-001#ref4069 </a></span></span><div></div><span class=\"d-block\"><strong class=\"add-info-item\">Record Id :</strong><span> EEPA.2005-001_ref4069 </span></span><div><span class=\"d-block\"><strong class=\"add-info-item\">Identifier : </strong><span> EEPA.2005-001, Item EEPA 2005-0001-2205 </span></span></div><span class=\"d-block\"><strong class=\"add-info-item\">Genre/Form : </strong><span>Color slides </span></span><span class=\"d-block\"><strong class=\"add-info-item\">Local Numbers : </strong><span>2226/1978-1980 </span></span><span class=\"d-block\"><strong class=\"add-info-item\">General : </strong><span>Title source: Dr. Simon Ottenberg, Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. </span></span></div></div>", "modified": "1646678190", "raw_data": { "id": "ebl-1536868297930-1536868298931-2", "url": "ead_component:sova-eepa-2005-001-ref4069", "hash": "c47537dd9c217792bba90c0c8d202ede33fb6f66", "type": "ead_component", "title": "Daba Kamara shaping clay pots, Kamanda Village, Sierra Leone", "status": 0, "content": { "id": "sova.eepa.2005-001_ref4069", "type": "ead_component", "boost": "6.4", "level": "item", "title": "Daba Kamara shaping clay pots, Kamanda Village, Sierra Leone", "freetext": { "odd": [ { "label": "Local Numbers", "content": "2226/1978-1980" }, { "label": "General", "content": "Title source: Dr. Simon Ottenberg, Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA." } ], "name": [ { "flag": [ "personal_name", "personal_main" ], "label": "Photographer", "content": "Ottenberg, Simon", "indexedContent": "Ottenberg, Simon" }, { "flag": [ "personal_name", "personal_main", "inherited" ], "label": "Collection Photographer", "content": "Ottenberg, Simon", "indexedContent": "Ottenberg, Simon" } ], "place": [ { "label": "Place", "content": "Africa", "indexedContent": "Africa" }, { "label": "Place", "content": "Sierra Leone", "indexedContent": "Sierra Leone" } ], "topic": [ { "label": "Topic", "content": "Artists", "indexedContent": "Artists" }, { "label": "Topic", "content": "Pottery", "indexedContent": "Pottery" } ], "creator": [ { "label": "Photographer", "content": "Ottenberg, Simon" } ], "culture": [ { "label": "Culture", "content": "Limba (African people)", "indexedContent": "Limba (African people)" } ], "setName": [ { "label": "See more items in", "content": "Simon Ottenberg photographs of Limba and Afikpo Peoples", "indexedContent": "Simon Ottenberg photographs of Limba and Afikpo Peoples" }, { "label": "See more items in", "content": "Simon Ottenberg photographs of Limba and Afikpo Peoples / Series 1: Limba Peoples, Sierra Leone and Guinea / 1.2: Field Research, Year Two / Kamanda Village, Sierra Leone", "indexedContent": "Simon Ottenberg photographs of Limba and Afikpo Peoples / Series 1: Limba Peoples, Sierra Leone and Guinea / 1.2: Field Research, Year Two / Kamanda Village, Sierra Leone" } ], "physdesc": [ { "label": "Extent", "content": "1 Slide (col.)" } ], "unitdate": [ { "flag": [ "era:ce", "type:inclusive" ], "label": "Date", "content": "1978-1980", "indexedContent": "" } ], "custodhist": [ { "label": "Custodial History", "content": "Donated by Simon Ottenberg, 2000." } ], "dataSource": [ { "label": "Archival Repository", "content": "Eliot Elisofon Photographic Archives, National Museum of African Art", "indexedContent": "Eliot Elisofon Photographic Archives, National Museum of African Art" } ], "identifier": [ { "label": "Identifier", "content": "EEPA.2005-001, Item EEPA 2005-0001-2205" } ], "objectType": [ { "label": "Type", "content": "Archival materials", "indexedContent": "Archival materials" }, { "label": "Type", "content": "Slides", "indexedContent": "Slides" }, { "label": "Type", "content": "Color slides", "indexedContent": "Color slides" } ], "userestrict": [ { "flag": [ "inherited" ], "label": "Collection Rights", "content": "Permission to reproduce images from the Eliot Elisofon Photographic Archives must be obtained in advance. The collection is subject to all copyright laws.\n\nPhotographs by Pa Huff, Hamaidu Mansaray, and Labelle Prussin are restricted. In these cases, the photographer's permission is required for access and publication of images." } ], "genre_format": [ { "label": "Genre/Form", "content": "Color slides", "indexedContent": "Color slides" } ], "scopecontent": [ { "label": "Scope and Contents", "content": "This photograph was taken by Dr. Simon Ottenberg while conducting field research in northern Sierra Leone within Bafodea Town, the capital of Wara Wara Bafodea Chiefdom, while on an Art Historical and Anthropological Field Research from October of 1978 through July of 1980." }, { "label": "Scope and Contents", "content": "Original title reads, \"Kamanda (Mandia) Village in the Old Kamuke Chiefdom of Bafodea. Daba Kamara making pots. Pot making used to be very common in Bafodea and Kamuke chiefdoms, as sherds at old village sites attest, but it is now almost extinct. This was the only time in two years I ever encountered it. Adding the sides to the base.\" [Ottenberg field research notes, Limba Slides and Photographs, October 1978-July 1980]." } ], "accessrestrict": [ { "flag": [ "inherited" ], "label": "Collection Restrictions", "content": "Use of original records requires an appointment. Contact Archives staff for more details." } ], "relatedmaterial": [ { "label": "Other Archival Materials", "content": "Simon Ottenberg Papers are located at the National Anthropological Archives, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution." } ] }, "language": [ "eng" ], "record_id": "EEPA.2005-001_ref4069", "usage_flag": "Large EAD", "containedIn": [ { "url": "https://sova.si.edu/record/EEPA.2005-001", "type": "Collection", "unitid": "Collection EEPA 2005-0001-2205", "unittitle": "Simon Ottenberg photographs of Limba and Afikpo Peoples" }, { "url": "https://sova.si.edu/details/EEPA.2005-001#ref509", "type": "Series", "unitid": "Series EEPA 2005-0001-2205", "unittitle": "Limba Peoples, Sierra Leone and Guinea" }, { "url": "https://sova.si.edu/details/EEPA.2005-001#ref613", "type": "Subseries", "unitid": "Subseries EEPA 2005-0001-2205", "unittitle": "Field Research, Year Two" }, { "url": "https://sova.si.edu/details/EEPA.2005-001#ref5135", "type": "File", "unitid": "File EEPA 2005-0001-2205", "unittitle": "Kamanda Village, Sierra Leone" }, { "url": "https://sova.si.edu/details/EEPA.2005-001#ref4069", "type": "Item", "unitid": "Item EEPA 2005-0001-2205", "unittitle": "Daba Kamara shaping clay pots, Kamanda Village, Sierra Leone" } ], "record_link": "https://sova.si.edu/details/EEPA.2005-001#ref4069", "filelocation": "https://sirismm.si.edu/EADs/EEPA.2005-001-ead.xml", "online_media": { "media": [ { "type": "slideshowHTML", "caption": "Daba Kamara shaping clay pots, Kamanda Village, Sierra Leone", "content": "https://edan.si.edu/slideshow/slideshowViewer.htm?eadrefid=EEPA.2005-001_ref4069", "thumbnail": "https://ids.si.edu/ids/deliveryService?id=damsmdm:NMAfA-EEPA_2005-001-2205-000001", "indexedType": "Images" } ], "mediaCount": "1" }, "collection_id": "EEPA.2005-001", "metadata_usage": { "access": "CC0" }, "archival_repository": "EEPA", "digital_assets_available": "true" }, "version": "", "linkedId": "ebl-1536868297930-1536868298400-0", "unitCode": "EEPA", "timestamp": "1646678190", "docSignature": "05479e68f33edeefa9773fe001086049", "publicSearch": true, "linkedContent": [], "lastTimeUpdated": "1646678190" }, "media_type": "slideshowHTML", "containedIn": [ { "url": "https://sova.si.edu/record/EEPA.2005-001", "type": "Collection", "unitid": "Collection EEPA 2005-0001-2205", "unittitle": "Simon Ottenberg photographs of Limba and Afikpo Peoples" }, { "url": "https://sova.si.edu/details/EEPA.2005-001#ref509", "type": "Series", "unitid": "Series EEPA 2005-0001-2205", "unittitle": "Limba Peoples, Sierra Leone and Guinea" }, { "url": "https://sova.si.edu/details/EEPA.2005-001#ref613", "type": "Subseries", "unitid": "Subseries EEPA 2005-0001-2205", "unittitle": "Field Research, Year Two" }, { "url": "https://sova.si.edu/details/EEPA.2005-001#ref5135", "type": "File", "unitid": "File EEPA 2005-0001-2205", "unittitle": "Kamanda Village, Sierra Leone" }, { "url": "https://sova.si.edu/details/EEPA.2005-001#ref4069", "type": "Item", "unitid": "Item EEPA 2005-0001-2205", "unittitle": "Daba Kamara shaping clay pots, Kamanda Village, Sierra Leone" } ], "creator_option": "organization", "image_thumbnail": "https://ids.si.edu/ids/deliveryService?id=damsmdm:NMAfA-EEPA_2005-001-2205-000001", "create_resource_citation": "No" }
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