Drawing by Mary Wright Gill of Ceremony, New-Fire, The Kwakwantu Society of Beggars 16 AUG 1896
1 007 in x 009 in photograph
Black and white gelatin glass negative
Two Men in Costume Near Adobe Wall, Woman Handing Down Cornmeal?
BAE GN 01817B5 06310900, National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Institution
National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Museum Support Center, Suitland, Maryland
{ "data": { "image": "http://ids.si.edu/ids/deliveryService?id=NMNH-gn_01817b5", "image_id": "NMNH-gn_01817b5", "image_thumbnail": "http://ids.si.edu/ids/deliveryService?id=NMNH-gn_01817b5&max=150" }, "_type": "edan", "source": "National Anthropological Archives", "authors": [], "created": "1513329066", "culture": [ "Hopi" ], "keywords": [], "metadata": "<div><h2>Source</h2><p><a href=\"/search/?f[_types][]=resource&providers[]=National Museum of Natural History\">National Museum of Natural History</a></p></div><div class=\"mb-3\"><h2> OBJECT TYPE</h2><div class=\"list-mdt-item clearfix\"><span class=\"mdt-item\"><a href=\"/search/?f[][types]=resource&object_type[]=archival+materials\">Archival materials</a></span><span class=\"mdt-item\"><a href=\"/search/?f[][types]=resource&object_type[]=photographs\">Photographs</a></span></div></div><div></div><div class=\"mb-3\"><h2>PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION</h2><p class=\"mdt-item d-block mb-0\">1 007 in x 009 in photograph</p></div><div></div><div><h2>NOTES</h2><p class=\"mdt-desc\">Black and white gelatin glass negative</p><h2>SUMMARY</h2><p class=\"mdt-desc\">Two Men in Costume Near Adobe Wall, Woman Handing Down Cornmeal?</p><h2>CITE AS</h2><p class=\"mdt-desc\">BAE GN 01817B5 06310900, National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Institution</p><h2>REPOSITORY LOC.</h2><p class=\"mdt-desc\">National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Museum Support Center, Suitland, Maryland</p></div><p><h2>DATES</h2><div class=\"list-mdt-item clearfix\"><span class=\"mdt-item\"><a href=\"/search/?f[][types]=resource&date[]=1890s\">1890s</a></span></div><div><span class=\"mdt-item mdt-subitem d-block\"><span class=\"mb-0\"><strong>Date : </strong>1896</span></span><span class=\"mdt-item mdt-subitem d-block\"><span class=\"mb-0\"><strong>Date : </strong>16 AUG 1896</span></span></div></p><p><h2>CULTURE</h2><div class=\"list-mdt-item clearfix\"><span class=\"mdt-item\"><a href=\"/search/?f[][types]=resource&culture[]=Indians of North America\">Indians of North America</a></span><span class=\"mdt-item\"><a href=\"/search/?f[][types]=resource&culture[]=Hopi Indians\">Hopi Indians</a></span><span class=\"mdt-item\"><a href=\"/search/?f[][types]=resource&culture[]=Native Americans\">Native Americans</a></span></div><div><span class=\"mdt-item mdt-subitem d-block\"><span class=\"mb-0\"><strong>Culture : </strong>Hopi</span></span></div></p><hr><div class=\"add-info\"><div class=\"add-heading mb-2\"><strong>Additional Resource Information</strong></div><div><div></div><span class=\"d-block\"><strong class=\"add-info-item\">Record Id :</strong><span> siris_arc_11612 </span></span><div><span class=\"d-block\"><strong class=\"add-info-item\">Local number : </strong><span> NAA INV 06310900 </span></span><span class=\"d-block\"><strong class=\"add-info-item\">Local number : </strong><span> OPPS NEG 01817 B5 </span></span></div></div></div>", "modified": "1513329066", "raw_data": { "id": "edanmdm-siris_arc_11612", "url": "edanmdm:siris_arc_11612", "hash": "dd70fd131affd23d25ae86082cf9b3ca78fe47a5", "type": "edanmdm", "title": "Drawing by Mary Wright Gill of Ceremony, New-Fire, The Kwakwantu Society of Beggars 16 AUG 1896", "status": 0, "content": { "freetext": { "date": [ { "label": "Date", "content": "1896" }, { "label": "Date", "content": "16 AUG 1896" } ], "notes": [ { "label": "Notes", "content": "Black and white gelatin glass negative" }, { "label": "Summary", "content": "Two Men in Costume Near Adobe Wall, Woman Handing Down Cornmeal?" }, { "label": "Cite as", "content": "BAE GN 01817B5 06310900, National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Institution" }, { "label": "Repository Loc.", "content": "National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Museum Support Center, Suitland, Maryland" } ], "culture": [ { "label": "Culture", "content": "Hopi" } ], "setName": [ { "label": "See more items in", "content": "Glass Negatives of Indians (Collected by the Bureau of American Ethnology) 1850s-1930s" } ], "dataSource": [ { "label": "Data Source", "content": "National Anthropological Archives" } ], "identifier": [ { "label": "Local number", "content": "NAA INV 06310900" }, { "label": "Local number", "content": "OPPS NEG 01817 B5" } ], "objectType": [ { "label": "Type", "content": "Photographs" } ], "physicalDescription": [ { "label": "Physical description", "content": "1 007 in x 009 in photograph" } ] }, "indexedStructured": { "date": [ "1890s" ], "culture": [ "Indians of North America", "Hopi Indians", "Native Americans" ], "object_type": [ "Archival materials", "Photographs" ], "online_media_type": [ "Images" ] }, "descriptiveNonRepeating": { "title": { "label": "Title", "content": "Drawing by Mary Wright Gill of Ceremony, New-Fire, The Kwakwantu Society of Beggars 16 AUG 1896" }, "record_ID": "siris_arc_11612", "unit_code": "NAA", "title_sort": "DRAWING BY MARY WRIGHT GILL OF CEREMONY NEWFIRE THE KWAKWANTU SOCIETY OF BEGGARS 16 AUG 1896", "data_source": "National Anthropological Archives", "online_media": { "media": [ { "type": "Images", "idsId": "NMNH-gn_01817b5", "usage": { "text": "", "access": "Usage conditions apply" }, "content": "http://ids.si.edu/ids/deliveryService?id=NMNH-gn_01817b5", "thumbnail": "http://ids.si.edu/ids/deliveryService?id=NMNH-gn_01817b5&max=150" } ], "mediaCount": 1 }, "metadata_usage": { "text": "", "access": "Usage conditions apply" } } }, "version": "", "linkedId": "0", "unitCode": "NAA", "timestamp": "1513329066", "docSignature": "9dad963b7f11571588923030501e5b2740eac74d_658c01f33c92ac8b1695e50abd0eb659", "publicSearch": true, "linkedContent": [], "lastTimeUpdated": "1513329066" }, "unit_code": "NAA", "media_type": "Images", "time_period": [ "1890s" ], "creator_option": "organization", "create_resource_citation": "No" }
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