DIGITAL YOU #3: Put Yourself into a Game!
This is the third tutorial of a four-part series: Digital You. The first part goes over how to model a realistic 3D character in Autodesk's free online Character Generator. The second part shows you how to customize the model in Maya and Photoshop by replacing the skin texture with one of your own. The third part shows you how to insert the custom model as a character controller in Unity. The fourth part is just for fun: how to create a papercraft mask from your custom model.
DIGITAL YOU #3: Put Yourself into a Game!
21 min 44 sec
ARTLAB+ Hirshhorn teens workshops animation video
{ "data": { "type": "youtube", "image": "", "embed_type": "iframe", "video_type": "youtube", "resource_type": "video", "embed_attributes": { "src": "//", "class": "youtube", "frameborder": 0, "allowfullscreen": "true" }, "additional_images": [ "", "", "" ] }, "_type": "edan", "source": "Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden", "authors": [ "Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden" ], "created": 1664284190, "keywords": [ "Art", "Education" ], "metadata": "<div><h2>SOURCE</h2><p><a href=\"/search/?f[_types][]=resource&providers[]=Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden\">Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden</a></p></div><div class=\"mb-3\"><h2> OBJECT TYPE</h2><div class=\"list-mdt-item clearfix\"><span class=\"mdt-item\"><a href=\"/search/?f[][types]=resource&object_type[]=video+recordings\">Video recordings</a></span></div></div><div><h2>DESCRIPTION</h2><p class=\"mdt-desc\">This is the third tutorial of a four-part series: Digital You. The first part goes over how to model a realistic 3D character in Autodesk's free online Character Generator. The second part shows you how to customize the model in Maya and Photoshop by replacing the skin texture with one of your own. The third part shows you how to insert the custom model as a character controller in Unity. The fourth part is just for fun: how to create a papercraft mask from your custom model.</p></div><div><h2>VIEWS</h2><p class=\"mdt-desc\">2,308</p><h2>VIDEO TITLE</h2><p class=\"mdt-desc\">DIGITAL YOU #3: Put Yourself into a Game!</p><h2>VIDEO DURATION</h2><p class=\"mdt-desc\">21 min 44 sec</p><h2>YOUTUBE KEYWORDS</h2><p class=\"mdt-desc\">ARTLAB+ Hirshhorn teens workshops animation video</p></div><div class=\"mb-3\"><h2> NAME</h2><div class=\"list-mdt-item clearfix\"><span class=\"mdt-item\"><a href=\"/search/?f[][types]=resource&names[]=artlab+hirshhorn\">Artlab Hirshhorn</a></span></div><div><span class=\"mdt-item mdt-subitem\"><span class=\"mb-0\"><strong>Creator : </strong>Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden</span></span></div></div><div><h2>Topics</h2><p class=\"list-mdt-item clearfix\"><span class=\"mdt-item comma-delimited\"><a href=\"/search/?f[][types]=resource&keywords[]=art\">Art</a></span><span class=\"mdt-item comma-delimited\"><a href=\"/search/?f[][types]=resource&keywords[]=education\">Education</a></span></p></div><p><h2>DATES</h2><div class=\"list-mdt-item clearfix\"><span class=\"mdt-item\"><a href=\"/search/?f[][types]=resource&date[]=2010s\">2010s</a></span></div><div><span class=\"mdt-item mdt-subitem d-block\"><span class=\"mb-0\"><strong>Uploaded : </strong>2014-12-05T21:55:03.000Z</span></span></div></p><hr><div class=\"add-info\"><div class=\"add-heading mb-2\"><strong>Additional Resource Information</strong></div><div><span class=\"d-block\"><strong class=\"add-info-item\">Record Link : </strong><span><a href=\"\"> </a></span></span><div><span class=\"d-block\"><strong class=\"add-info-item\">See more by : </strong><span> hirshhornARTLAB </span></span></div><span class=\"d-block\"><strong class=\"add-info-item\">Record Id :</strong><span> yt_EJdRt0b5l18 </span></span></div></div>", "modified": "1734102686", "raw_data": { "id": "edanmdm-yt_EJdRt0b5l18", "url": "edanmdm:yt_EJdRt0b5l18", "hash": "62abb4a2bcb4234880653a049ef894807320d8a6", "type": "edanmdm", "appId": "SIRIS", "title": "DIGITAL YOU #3: Put Yourself into a Game!", "status": 0, "content": { "freetext": { "date": [ { "label": "Uploaded", "content": "2014-12-05T21:55:03.000Z" } ], "name": [ { "label": "Creator", "content": "Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden" } ], "notes": [ { "label": "Views", "content": "2,308" }, { "label": "Video Title", "content": "DIGITAL YOU #3: Put Yourself into a Game!" }, { "label": "Description", "content": "This is the third tutorial of a four-part series: Digital You. The first part goes over how to model a realistic 3D character in Autodesk's free online Character Generator. The second part shows you how to customize the model in Maya and Photoshop by replacing the skin texture with one of your own. The third part shows you how to insert the custom model as a character controller in Unity. The fourth part is just for fun: how to create a papercraft mask from your custom model." }, { "label": "Video Duration", "content": "21 min 44 sec" }, { "label": "YouTube Keywords", "content": "ARTLAB+ Hirshhorn teens workshops animation video" } ], "topic": [ { "label": "YouTube Category", "content": "Education" }, { "label": "Topic", "content": "Art, modern" } ], "setName": [ { "label": "See more by", "content": "hirshhornARTLAB" } ], "dataSource": [ { "label": "Data Source", "content": "Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden" }, { "label": "YouTube Channel", "content": "hirshhornARTLAB" } ], "objectType": [ { "label": "Type", "content": "YouTube Videos" } ] }, "indexedStructured": { "date": [ "2010s" ], "name": [ "Artlab Hirshhorn" ], "topic": [ "Art", "Education" ], "usage_flag": [ "youtube" ], "object_type": [ "Video recordings" ], "online_media_type": [ "Video recordings" ] }, "descriptiveNonRepeating": { "title": { "label": "Title", "content": "DIGITAL YOU #3: Put Yourself into a Game!" }, "record_ID": "yt_EJdRt0b5l18", "unit_code": "HMSG_YT", "title_sort": "DIGITAL YOU 3: PUT YOURSELF INTO A GAME", "data_source": "Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden", "record_link": "", "online_media": { "media": [ { "id": "media:", "type": "Youtube videos", "usage": { "text": "", "access": "Usage conditions apply" }, "content": "", "thumbnail": "" } ], "mediaCount": 1 }, "metadata_usage": { "text": "", "access": "Usage conditions apply" } } }, "linkedId": "", "unitCode": "HMSG_YT", "timestamp": 1664284190, "docSignature": "0b4f370b848f069cd5063e4c53f55d26", "publicSearch": true, "lastTimeUpdated": "1734102686", "last_time_updated": 1734102686 }, "unit_code": "HMSG_YT", "media_type": "Youtube videos", "time_period": [ "2010s" ], "creator_option": "organization", "create_resource_citation": "No" }
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