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Daliah Bryant

Daliah Bryant's collections


Collection of Perceptions

<p>This collection was made as a project for a Bachelors and Liberal Studies course.  The project is an exhibit of different pictures of angels that represent a form of hope in this collection. We know angels as the protectors of the universe and I selected them for this project to represent those who require protection or will require assistance throughout their lives. </p> <p>The categories are the Protectors, The Needy, and The Harmed.  The Needy are the images who appear to be silenced by their medical restraints. No-one has noticed their pain.  The Harmed are the pictures that show African American leaders that were assassinated. They were no angels and although the men were critically protected their lack of protection contributed to their death. Those men were not angels. </p> <p>The Protectors in this exhibit are the angels that we can and cannot see. The angel images within the rooms we hope and believe them to be within. </p>
Daliah Bryant