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Lea Silverstein

Montgomery County Public Schools
Social Studies :

I am a new high school social studies teacher in Montgomery County Public Schools in Maryland. I teach 9th grade US History and 11th grade World History.

Lea Silverstein's collections


Evaluating the Atomic Bomb

<p>Students will be assigned to argue <em>for</em> the dropping of the atomic bomb, or <em>against</em> the dropping of the atomic bomb. Your task is to find <strong><u>at least 5</u> (6 for the against group since we modeled an example for them)</strong> of these resources that will help you form your 6-8 minute oral argument. While you are filling out your graphic organizer, make sure to click on the actual resource to see the guiding question to consider (it will have a little "1" next to the picture - click on that). If you decide that you will use this resource to argue your side, on your graphic organizer: 1). answer the question to consider and 2). note how you will use this resource in your presentation.</p> <p>If you would like to fill out your graphic organizer electronically, here is the link - PLEASE MAKE A COPY: <a href=""></a></p>
Lea Silverstein