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Philippa Rappoport

Lead, Education and Engagement
Smithsonian Office of Educational Technology
Smithsonian Staff

I work in education and engagement, teacher professional development, and outreach at the Smithsonian Office of Educational Technology (OET), and have a particular interest in developing and producing trainings, programs, teaching techniques, and platforms that foster deep learning and contribute knowledge to improve practices in museum and preK-16 education and engagement. At OET over the last decade+, I created digital assets for schools, families, and new immigrant English Language learners to complement teacher professional development and pan-Smithsonian programming, including Learning Lab teaching collections, YouTube videos with tradition bearers, a handmade family stories book-making website, and online heritage tours.

Philippa Rappoport's collections


Replicable Activities to Become Conversant using Digital Museum Resources in the Classroom: Flashcards

<p>This collection is designed to help educators think about how to incorporate museum content into the classroom experience. Along with its <a href="" target="_blank">companion collection of close-looking activities</a>, it is intended to demonstrate various ways to use the Learning Lab and its tools, while offering specific, replicable, pre-engagement activities that can be used directly, or copied to a new collection and then edited, to help students engage with museum resources. </p> <p>Included here is a set of resources, connected to the theme of 21st-century challenges, that can be used as flashcards in both a virtual or in-person classroom. The benefit of this type of activity is that students begin to make a personal connection to the objects and issues they are exploring. They take ownership and, as a result, the conversation, sense of community, and any further activity become deeper and more meaningful. As you explore the resources yourself, be sure to click on the paper clips to see additional instructions and information. At the end of the collection, you'll see a template document that can be used to create and print your own specific set of flashcards. </p> <p>This collection complements the opening unit, "Introduction to the Learning Lab and Museum Resources," of the EdX course, <em><a href="" target="_blank">Teaching with the Smithsonian: Addressing 21st-Century Challenges in the College Classroom</a></em><em>. </em></p> <p>#MCTeach #EdXTeach</p>
Philippa Rappoport

Teaching African American History: Acts of Resistance | Cultivating Learning

<p><span dir="auto">This collection is a digital companion to a <em>Cultivating Learning</em> professional development session with Candra Flanagan, Lead for Teaching and Learning at the National Museum of African American History and Culture. </span>The session explores an expanding set of free digital materials on African American history, “North Star: A Digital Journey.” </p> <p>Designed for grades 6–12, the set features stories and throughlines from the museum’s permanent exhibitions. Using images, documents, videos, and checks for understanding, students and their adults can investigate and think critically about history. </p> <p>The session focuses on individual and community resistance. Participants will gain content knowledge applicable to teaching about slavery in the U.S. context as well as familiarity with the free online resources of “North Star: A Digital Journey.”<br></p> <p>This interactive webinar is part of “Cultivating Learning,” a professional development webinar series focusing on techniques to use digital museum resources for learning. Check out “Cultivating Learning” and other Smithsonian Learning Lab webinars: <a href=""></a><a href=""></a>.</p>
Philippa Rappoport

Learning Lab Training Collection on the Theme: “Facing the Complex, Multiple Challenges of the 21st Century"

<p>This collection is designed to help educators bridge the classroom experience to a museum visit. It is intended to demonstrate various ways to use the Learning Lab and its tools, while offering specific, replicable, pre-engagement activities that can simply be copied to a new collection and used to help students engage with museum resources. </p> <p>Included here: </p> <ul><li>Section 1: a set of flashcards, a template document so that teachers can create and print their own specific sets, and strategies for their use in their classrooms. </li><li>Section 2: a variety of student activities and resources to explore artist Luis Cruz Azaceta's "Shifting States: Iraq," a metaphorical representation of the unrest taking place in Iraq, and more broadly, an exploration of the human condition during times of crisis.  This section includes an image of the work from the Smithsonian American Art Museum, an explanatory video with curator E. Carmen Ramos, two  Thinking Routines - "See, Think, Wonder" and "The 3 Y's" - from Harvard's Project Zero Visible Thinking and Global Thinking materials, and  an array of prompts and Learning Lab tools to help students think critically and globally.  </li><li>Section 3: a short assignment to get participants started using the Learning Lab.</li><li>Section 4: spacer tile template to serve as chapter headings in longer collections.</li></ul> <p>This collection is adapted from a teaching collection on the same theme (Luis Cruz Azaceta's "Shifting States: Iraq" ( <a href="" style="background-color:rgb(63,63,63);"></a>), that includes extension activities. It was created for the 2019 cohort of the Smithsonian-Montgomery College Faculty Fellowship Program on the theme, "The Search for American Identity: Building a Nation Together," and then adapted for the 2020 program on the theme, “Humans and the Footprints We Leave: Climate Change and Other Critical Challenges." </p> <p>Keywords: #MCteach</p> <p><br></p>
Philippa Rappoport

2024 Smithsonian-Montgomery College Faculty Fellowship Program - National Portrait Gallery

<p>This collection serves as an introduction to the fifth session of the 2024 Smithsonian-Montgomery College Faculty Fellowship Program. This year's theme is “Teaching and Learning with the Smithsonian: Creating Classroom Conversations that Foster a Hopeful Future to Meet the Challenges of a Rapidly Changing World.”<br><br>Briana Zavadil White, Head of Education and Public Programs at the National Portrait Gallery, will introduce strategies to engage students in reading portraiture, looking at the <em>Recent Acquisitions </em>and<em> 20th Century Americans </em>galleries. Resources included in this collection have been recommended by the presenter for participants to explore before the seminar itself.<br></p> <p>#MCteach</p>
Philippa Rappoport

2024 Smithsonian-Montgomery College Faculty Fellowship Program - National Museum of American History

<p>This collection serves as an introduction to the second session of the 2024 Smithsonian-Montgomery College Faculty Fellowship Program. This year's theme is “Teaching and Learning with the Smithsonian: Creating Classroom Conversations that Foster a Hopeful Future to Meet the Challenges of a Rapidly Changing World.” </p> <p>Educator Orlando Serrano will present and discuss the museum's exhibition, <em>Many Voices, One Nation, </em>and <em>Becoming US </em>educational content. Curator Theo Gonzalves will present and discuss the exhibition, <em>Entertainment Nation.</em> </p> <p><br></p> <p>#MCTeach</p>
Philippa Rappoport

Art, Creative Writing, and Public Speaking: A Portraiture Workshop for the ELL Classroom

<p>Art, Creative Writing, and Public Speaking: A Portraiture Workshop for the ELL Classroom</p> <p><em>Our Lives as Art</em></p> <p>This collection includes instructions and documentation of a replicable art-based program for English Language Learners (ELLs). The information included can be adapted for high school students and speakers of any language, including native English speakers. Activities were designed to foster in participants important skills such as visual literacy, public speaking, creative writing, art appreciation, collaborative learning, and advocacy, and also to develop empathy, confidence, and self-esteem. </p> <p>The collection was created by Beth Evans (National Portrait Gallery), Micheline Lavalle (Fairfax County Public Schools Family Literacy Program), and Philippa Rappoport (Smithsonian Office of Educational Technology). </p> <p>Keywords: ESL, ESOL, portraits, migration, immigration, stories, identity, monologues<br></p> <p>#NPGteach  #FamilyLiteracy  #FamilyLit  #FCPSFamilyLiteracy</p>
Philippa Rappoport

Making "Family Memory" Storybooks: Fun for the Whole Family

<p>This collection includes a series of easy-to-do book projects designed to get families talking and creating together. Any of them can be used in the classroom (English, art, social studies), as a home project, or in an informal learning setting. All books are made from a single sheet of paper.</p> <p>Titles are ordered generally from most complex to least complex for topic, and include:<br>"Our Home" Nature Walk Album<br>Today I Am Here<br>Connections<br>My Hero<br>Music Memories<br>Kitchen Memories<br>Special Person<br>Family Treasure<br>Things That Make Me <em>Me!</em><br>I Am A Star<br>My Clubhouse<br>Family Flag<br>My Name</p> <p>At the bottom, you'll also find an interview with the creator of these design templates, book artist Sushmita Mazumdar, and a video of her reading one of her own books.<br></p> <p>Click on any of these demos and accompanying downloadable instructions to make your own "family memory" storybook!<br></p> <p><em>#FamilyLit #FamilyLiteracy </em></p> <p>tags: art, crafts, crafting, how-to<br></p>
Philippa Rappoport

Making a "Kitchen Memories" Family Recipe and Storybook

<p>This collection includes an easy-to-do book project designed to get families talking, creating, and enjoying food together. It can be used as a home project, in the classroom (English, art, social studies), or in an informal learning setting, and can be combined with a family interviewing video project. </p> <p>The book is made from a single, large sheet of paper. Click on the demo and accompanying downloadable instructions to get started!</p> <p>The book design is one of many available in another collection: Fun for the Whole Family: Making "Family Memory" Storybooks: <a href=""></a>.</p> <p><em>#FamilyLit #FamilyLiteracy </em></p> <p>tags: art, crafts, crafting, how-to<br></p>
Philippa Rappoport

Art and Technology Projects for Museums and Classrooms: From "Today I Am Here" to "Discovering US/Descubriéndose"

<p>This collection contains assets and resources designed to help teachers (art, English, ESOL, social studies, and media technology), museum educators, and community-based informal learning educators recreate their own "Today I Am Here" project, based on the specific needs of their classroom or learning community. </p> <p>"Today I Am Here" is a project in which students make a handmade book from one piece of paper, that tells the story of how they got to where they are today. This project is wonderful in a classroom to show the breadth and diversity of the class, and to encourage cross-cultural understanding. </p> <p>Inside you will find instructions and images for the various components of the project, as well as samples of student work.  </p> <p>The "Today I Am Here" book design is one of many available in another collection: Fun for the Whole Family: Making "Family Memory" Storybooks: <a href=""></a>.</p> <p><em>#FamilyLit  #FamilyLiteracy  #FCPSFamilyLiteracy  #NPGTeach</em>  #LatinoHAC<br></p>
Philippa Rappoport

2024 Smithsonian-Montgomery College Faculty Fellowship Program - National Museum of African American History and Culture

<p>This collection serves as an introduction to the six and final session of the 2024 Smithsonian-Montgomery College Faculty Fellowship Program. This year's theme is “Teaching and Learning with the Smithsonian: Creating Classroom Conversations that Foster a Hopeful Future to Meet the Challenges of a Rapidly Changing World.”<br><br>Auntaneshia Staveloz, Senior Manager in the Office of Strategic Partnerships, and Kelly Elaine Navies, Museum Specialist in Oral History, will discuss signature programs of the museum's engagement, collection, digitization, and outreach strategy. Resources included in this collection have been recommended by the presenter for participants to explore before the seminar itself.</p> <p>#MCteach</p>
Philippa Rappoport

“I Didn’t Believe I Could Be Brave”: How the Smithsonian Uses Stories to Amplify Voices and Build Community

<p>The Smithsonian Institution, the world's largest <strong><a href="">museum</a></strong>, <strong><a href="">education</a></strong>, and <strong><a href="">research</a></strong> complex, is 175 old this year. The Institution was founded in 1846 with funds from the Englishman James Smithson (1765–1829), a chemist and mineralogist who left his estate to establish in the United States an institution dedicated to “the increase and diffusion of knowledge.” Today, the museum includes nineteen museums and study centers and the National Zoo, with two more museums created by Congressional legislation just this past year.<br></p> <p>The Smithsonian Institution is committed to telling a full and inclusive history of America, and to catalyzing important conversations on issues affecting our nation and the world. This includes well-known and lesser-known stories. It includes curatorial voices, voices reflected in the collections, and visitor voices. As Smithsonian Secretary Lonnie G. Bunch III said in introducing the Institution's new <em><a href="">Our Shared Future: Reckoning with Our Racial Past </a></em><a href="">initiative</a>, “At a moment when our country is in crisis, we the Smithsonian have a responsibility to help our nation move forward. To transform our understanding of race and racism. To amplify the voices of the communities we serve. To bring people together across different backgrounds, races, experiences, and beliefs. To create a space for all Americans to recognize how much they have in common: shared history, shared heritage, shared hopes for the future.”<br></p> <p>This collection was created to offer an introduction to the many ways the Smithsonian Institution uses stories to increase and diffuse knowledge, amplify voices, and build community, to share at the <a href="" target="_blank">Digital Storytelling Conference 2021</a> in June 2021. This collection includes just a sampling of the amazing work, research, education, and engagement happening across the Institution. Please reach out to us at <a href=""></a> if you would like help or guidance using the Learning Lab or incorporating museum digital content into your storytelling or educational engagement. </p> <p>#digitalstorytelling </p>
Philippa Rappoport

Periodical Cicadas: In Homage to Brood X

<p>Life in Spring 2021 along the Eastern strip of the United States, stretching from New York to Tennessee, has been infused, overpowered, inundated with the creeping, buzzing, molting, crunching, and altogether inescapable presence of Brood X cicadas. They come above ground every seventeen years and have arrived this year in deafening numbers to woo, mate, and lay and hatch their eggs. The newly-hatched nymphs fall from their host trees and burrow into the ground to begin the next subterranean cycle, uniting sky and earth, and continuing the life cycle. This process aerates the soil and prunes trees, while the cicadas' bodies feed a wide variety of animals and serve as an important source of nitrogen for growing trees. Entomologist Eric Day of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University extension said of their arrival, "This is a real treat. This is an unusual biological phenomenon. Periodical cicadas only occur in the eastern United States; they don't occur anywhere else in the world. It's just going to be an amazingly big, big show."</p> <p>This collection pays homage to these fascinating creatures, reminding us of the mysteries and wonders of life, both above and below "the surface." </p> <p>Keywords and hashtags: DST2021, digital storytelling, Just Future, DST2021 #digitalstorytelling <br><br></p>
Philippa Rappoport