Smithsonian Movie Quiz's collections
You Might Remember This Movie Quiz Question #26
<p>These still pictures remind me of a motion picture. Which one? Click the question mark and take the quiz to see. Click each picture to enlarge. Click the last box for the answer.</p>

You Might Remember This: A Smithsonian Movie Quiz
<p class="MsoNormal">This Smithsonian quiz brings the actual world to bear on the
worlds created by filmmakers over the last century. The rules are simple.
The player looks at a set of museum objects from anywhere around the
Smithsonian and tries to answer a question: <i>These
Smithsonian things remind me of a movie. Can you guess which one? </i></p><p class="MsoNormal">Each
question is set up much like what is below. A multiple choice is in the
question-mark box. The answer is in the last box. The movie
used for the example here is <i>Casablanca. </i>You
know, the one about the fundamental things and their many applications. </p>

You Might Remember This Movie Quiz Question #30
<p>These still pictures remind me of a motion picture. Which one? Click the question mark and take the quiz to see. Click each picture to enlarge. Click the last box for the answer.</p>