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David Bedar

History Teacher
Newton North High School
Cultures, US History, World History :

I teach 9th and 10th grade World History, 11th grade U.S. History, and a 12th grade elective course on the Middle East, Asia, and Latin America Post-1945 at Newton North High School in Newton, MA, a comprehensive suburban high school outside of Boston.

David Bedar's collections


Native Americans

David Bedar

Social Justice: National Portrait Gallery Resources

<p>This collection previews the fifth and final seminar of the 2017 Montgomery College / Smithsonian Institution Fellowship seminar series, <em>The Struggle for Justice</em>. Two National Portrait Gallery staff members will lead this event: David Ward and Briana Zavadil White.</p><p>Resources and questions included in this collection have been chosen by the presenters for participants to explore and consider before the seminar itself. </p><p>#MCSI</p>
David Bedar