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Aubrey Gennari

Elementary (9 to 12 years old), Middle School (13 to 15 years old)
Social Studies

Aubrey Gennari's collections


Ancient India

Ancient India Resources
Aubrey Gennari

Introduction to Ancient Mayan Writing & Calendar

Discover the writing of the Ancient Mayans and how they used this in their calendar.
Aubrey Gennari

Egyptian Hieroglyphs

What are hieroglyphs? What was the purpose? Who could write them? How did we discover how to read them?
Aubrey Gennari

Libyan Rock Art

<p>This collection contains images of rock-art of the Wadi al-Ajal, in the Fezzan region of south-west Libya. Several hundred engravings have so far been identified here. This rich concentration of rock-art spans the phase from at least 7,000 years ago until the present - a critical period of time which encompasses major transitions in human economy, culture and ideology from hunting and gathering to raising livestock, then to agriculture and more recently to industrialization. Rock-art provides fascinating evidence of how human groups were living during this period, what their relationships with their environment were and what they considered of importance and value. Because rock-art is deliberately placed at specific locations in the landscape, a powerful relationship can often exist between rock-art sites and natural landscape features.</p><p><em>#historicalthinking</em></p>
Aubrey Gennari

Weikers Family Collection

<p>A collection of archival records and photographs documenting the Weikers family's experience in Nazi Germany and their persistent efforts to seek asylum in the United States.</p><p><br />For more information about the Weiker family story, see their profile on Generation to Generation: Family Stories Drawn from the Rauh Jewish Archives at <a href=""></a><br /><br />Tags: Nazi Germany, Holocaust era, primary sources</p> <p><em>#historicalthinking</em></p> <p><br /></p>
Aubrey Gennari