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Madeleine Roberg

Madeleine Roberg's collections


Bison Bison

<p>At their peak there may have been as many as 60 million <em>Bison Bison </em>roaming America. By the start of the 1800s, the impact of Euro-Americans on Bison herds was already evident. Throughout the 1800s, the bison population decreased from millions to less  than 400 wild bison left in the United States. <br /></p><p>1.  Look through the provided artworks of bison provided. <br /></p><p>2.  Select two artworks.</p><p>3.  For each artwork do See, Think, Wonder.  <br /></p><p>See - write down exactly what you see.</p><p>Think - write a sentence about what you think about the artwork.</p><p>Wonder - write a sentence about something the artwork made you wonder about. <br /></p><p>4. Write a short paragraph (3-5 sentences) comparing and contrasting the two different depictions of bison. <br /></p><p><br /></p>
Madeleine Roberg