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Aira Matin

Aira Matin's collections


A Culture of Action

<p>What were the different forms of marginalization and discrimination against Asian Pacific American communities, and how did such oppression lead to action being taken to assert their place as equal citizens in the United States? For this collection, I examined different principles and foundations for oppression and prejudice against Asian Pacific Americans, as well as the different ways that these communities took action against such marginalization to represent themselves as equal Americans.</p>
Aira Matin

A Culture of Beauty

<p>A glance at how the aesthetics of Asian Pacific American cultures have been presented, embraced, celebrated, and manipulated in society. For this collection, I went through searches around Asian Pacific American cultures to look at both things that were considered traditionally beautiful and things with beauty not as direct. Examining objects from paintings to designed plates helped to explore what was considered beautiful in many different lenses. The goal was to look at and analyze the presence of beauty in different forms, from stereotypes in Hollywood to architecture, and interpret what these symbolized for a larger society.</p>
Aira Matin

A Culture of Presence

<p>How are members of Asian Pacific American communities making contact not only with those within their communities but with those around them? How have they forged spaces for interaction and connection? For this collection, I looked for resources that represented contact among Asian Pacific American individuals, groups, and communities.</p>
Aira Matin